
Editors Choice Omnilux
1800 LEDS
5 Minute Treatment Time
5 Year Warranty

The 2 most powerful models on the net are the Omnilux revive 2 vs Lightwave 120mw.
​Based on what I hear from all the companies, Omnilux is the brand that all the studies were done on. This is as far as wavelengths, power densities, dosages. Nearly every study people reference is probably from an Omnilux study but other companies will never tell me that. I had to research really far to find this out.

For the people that want the brand that had all the studies done on it, Omnilux is probably the brand for you. After the FDA made their clearances, this is when other companies made LED panels with those same wavelengths. (Note: Lightstim was the first company to get their LED panel cleared but I am talking about all the studies done for year after that. Omnilux started in 2003 for anyone that wanted to know.

Concern: I have a video I recored at the Javitz Center in NYC (Aesthetics show) where another company said they were the first LED company. Omnilux on their site (I just read it to make sure). Their words “The original leader in non-invasive LED technology” This is the same thing another company says. I did go to Lightwave and 2 different people said Omnilux was the first. And that is their biggest competitor based on people looking to get high end LEDs. So, at the next show when I see both of them there I am going to show them the video with the other competitor manufacturer claiming they were the first. I will let consumers be the judge.

Omnilux LED is the biggest company in the high end market (LightStim appears to be the market leader in the residential market). They claim they have over 30 published studies on their LED (probably more than 30 by the time I update this page when anything new comes out with Omnilux).

After researching FDA clearances, the Omnilux LED brand has more FDA clearances than any other brand.

As far as my opinion goes, the Omnilux LED panels is in a class of its own. Lightwave and POLY LED are good but for those that want a LED that is recognized as the leader in different industries and don’t want to second guess their purchase, Omnilux is that brand. Others can be good but don’t have the studies to back it up and are often much cheaper. The Omnilux brand is more expensive at least based on what I can get them for than Lightwave, POLY, Lightstim and any other company that has similar specs.

For those that can afford the best one, Omnilux is the brand that I compare all other brands to. All of their specs, their wavelengths, power ratings are accurate and they don’t inflate any of their specs.

There are many places that have the Omnilux brand in their clinic, mostly high end places that have other items like an 80,000 Zerona or Cryotherapy or Float tanks. Omnilux is expensive but for patients that are super picky about what brands they are treated with usually do research and pick this brand out.

I get people all the time looking for therapy and ask specifically where they can get an Omnilux treatment. I don’t ever get that with any other brands.

To see if the Omnilux is the right brand for you take my LED Quiz. I will choose the brand that best fits your answers.