LightWave LED

Editors Choice LightWave LED
1800 LEDS
5 Minute Treatment Time
5 Year Warranty

Aestheticians are always calling us wanting to upgrade their LED. Most aestheticians starting out don’t usually buy the LED panels with the fans and wattages 80mw/cm2 and over. Usually, it’s the low wattage 50% duty cycle (on half the time, off half the time). The ones that flicker the LEDs are this type. The curved and the dome type are the ones that I get the most returns on for people that want to upgrade. Nothing is wrong with them, it’s just that aestheticians outgrow them and need to treat clients faster with quicker treatment times.

I help aestheticians who want to return and depending on which model I can trade it in towards the model of interest.

Advice: if buying a LED panel for a clinic, get fans built in especially if using a high wattage LED. If buying a plastic one, it doesn’t matter since they aren’t powerful enough to melt it.

Many panels get returned when an aesthetician gets into using serums with their facials and realize they need a more powerful LED to help absorb more of the fat based serums.

There is nothing wrong with the returns. Usually people fail to return it within the 30 day free return time and others don’t want to pay the 20% restocking fee. Some companies let people upgrade for free within a year. (I do get returns on Lightwave when people want their commercial model with their fans and steel casing. The returns are usually 90% of the time the 1 port models and they want the 3 port and want to buy more panels. 

For those that want a returned model let me know and I will see what I have access to and also call the manufacturer and see what they have. None of the companies advertise returns as it would probably make people think people are not liking their product. There are people that want a free 30 daytrial and are OK paying the restocking fee that have no intention of ever keeping it.

Those that want to save money can get one controller and  more sockets. Those that have 3 sockets can treat 3 people with only one machine. Or with 3 sockets it can treat 3 different parts of the body

9 Total Score

Price $1,800

Dimensions 24"x36"

Power 10mw/cm2

Input 120v - 220v Available

Output 60 Watts

Joules 5400 Joules

Wavelength 660 nanometers

Wavelength - 660nm
Output - 60 Watts
Power - 10mw/cm2
Treatment Time - 5 Minutes
Quality/Price - $1800
  • 1800 LEDS
  • 5 Minute Treatment Time
  • 5 Year Warranty
  • Affordable

Celluma LED VS LightStim LED VS LightWave LED

This is a chart that I found from Lightwave. So many people want the research on which companies offer certain wavelengths and power levels.

According to Lightwave, they have the true specs on LightStim and the Celluma LED models.

We do promote Lightstim which is their competitor. We have discontinued any association and relationship with Celluma. I have gotten feedback on nearly every brand over the years since I started this site (and where I had my first Celluma Review). We have nothing against any brands I don’t promote. We promote brands that We believe in and that we get the best feedback and least complaints with as well as my own research. We have reviewed LEDs also on which was one of my original LED reviews.