Indium gallium nitride vs SLT Diodes….and the rest.

It was so confusing. I go to all these trade shows and spa expos and I can’t get a straight answer. Poly says they are the latest company on the market and they took all the things and fixed them. They have single ray panels while Lightwave has the highest joules per minute ratio (they have high wattage and the most diode count). They are the only ones that have the SBT diodes. Omnilux hasn’t been to any of the shows that I ever go to but the models that I tried seem to have the same dosage and treatment times as my other Teir 1a models.

StimuLED and Pureled which are a very small company claim they have the best. Lightstim has convinced me they have the best residential LED light panel and handheld LED products and then I test theirs against Lightwave.

I will say that SBT diodes have their own feel but some people are starting at such a low voltage that joules of energy coming out of any of these LEDS when someone has a super acidic body and a major acne problem.

I don’t recommend a high fluence POLY single LED for everyone. Some people can’t handle that much lipolysis. All the waste and bacteria in the skin will never get filtered out as fast as the blue led with certain situations can handle. It’s kinda like doing the 72 hour sauna session that takes 3 days and not doing it properly. If anyone has an infrared sauna, most people just go in for 30 minutes to an hour and think they did lipolysis. Meanwhile, they are clogging up their lymphatic system even more. Same with LEDS. People think they know it all and just do it every day and they don’t see the results they blame the LED panel and want to return it. If I think someone is in this situation where they aren’t following the right protocols for their health opportunity then I will refuse selling them a LED as I know it’s going to be returned. (I am 90% of the time right when I thought someone was going to return any item from my site or my other and site.

This is why with certain people I will ONLY have the manufacturer run someones credit card. I am not in any position to take returns on brands that I know I will have a hard time reselling.

So, if a company says their diode is a 880mw diode. I want to know more than that. What is the gas inside? is it gallium nitride or what is it. Does it have copper or gold wiring in the diode. Is the casing holding each LED made from aluminum or is it made from copper. Not all 630nm diodes are made the same either. There are huge variances in nanometers, there is peak 630nm and then it can go up or down 10+ nanometers. There is just so much misleading information out there. It would be one think if this was all technical and hard to figure out but when companies purposely try to mislead that is another thing. It’s kinda like me buying a Ninja blender and it says the blade spins at 32,000 times a minute. OH… but what if there is food in blender and its filled to the top. Or was that 32,000 rating down without the blade (bare motor speed). These companies can’t trick me when I am on top of everything.